Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Love-in Pink

It's already February, month of  cupid.  Love is in the air and so is pink.  Pink is the color of Kindness, affection, sweet, pretty, and many more softer expressions.  An absolutely perfect excuse to add the pink hue through out this month.

But how to rock pink and be elegant?

The classic route of pairing it with black makes you a timeless beauty.

Black acts as a catalyst and moderates the bright magenta blouse.

Add a black jacket, and you are the next face of Dior.

Are you in the mood to experiment, but still stay closer to safe zone?  Here comes black and white pattern and monotone pink.

The patterns, especially bright ones conceal the trouble spots in our body.

Black and white striped blouse and a reddish pink skirt gives an elegant yet flirty look.

If you are hopelessly romantic and a free spirit, try a pink patterned dress and brisk accessories.


With a pink and white polka dot pattern dress like this, metallic accessories like silver belt and a metallic blue necklace would pop the otherwise subtle dress to a diva level.


Or choose accessories from the other end of the spectrum.

An yellow monotone belt or a dark green scarf would add sophistication. But in Tim Gunn's words, this is a "make it work" look that needs lot of confidence and smile.

Coming back to our roots, accessories.

Let me introduce to the term James Bond piece.  James Bond piece is something you'll fall in love and spend sleepless nights, but will not acquire it.  There can be ample reasons for it, like it might be very pricey or non-utilitaran or high maintenance.  It is "for your eyes only".

James Bond pick of the post is a beautiful Valentino lace cut pink hand bag with metallic shoulder straps.

Sporting a warm tone blouse and a bright coral hand bag is the best way to be effortlessly chic.

On a final note have fun, take risk and set new limits.  Happy Valentine's day.